You can create pottery with your both hands in virtual reality.
You can use various tools actually used for the art of pottery
for a realistic indirect experience.

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Use your imagination

You can create pottery with both your hands just like in real life.
Turn on the actual-sized electric pottery wheel, place the clay on the wheel, and make a pottery. Don’t forget to apply water as you work.

Make your own space

You can design your own workplace to your liking in virtual reality.
You can decorate your workplace with pottery tools, furniture, home appliances, and many other objects.


Fun as a game

DOJAGI is not educational software, it is purely game software meant for entertainment. The game has a Korean national contest, International contest, and various episodes happening at the pottery club.

유나이트 'MWU 어워즈 2018'
우승작 공개!

유저들의 공개 투표로 선정된 총9개 부분에서
유티플러스 인터랙티브의 'DOJAGI: The Korean Pottery'가
베스트 혁신상을 수상 했습니다.

MWU 코리아 아워즈는 유니티 코리아가 국내 개발자 지원을 위해
지난해부터 진행한 시상식으로, 유니티로 제작된 부분별 우수 작품들은
선정하고 공개 투표를 통해 최고 인기작들을 시상하는 행사다.
